List Of The Current Best Universities In Africa

Many African students go abroad in search of better education every year. Most of them prefer going overseas. Most will opt for North American countries, while others will go to Europe.

List Of The Current Best Universities In Africa

The reason behind all this is that African universities do not offer the quality education required to secure a decent job.

Before you go search for a university abroad, you need to understand your personal needs.

Apart from your education, different aspects make the university the best for you. In other words, the best university for you might not be the one for another.

List Of The Current Best Universities In Africa

The following universities are the best performers as in the previous years. You can see if any offers the degree you want to undertake.

We do not guarantee which of them can fulfil your needs for the college diploma. For each listing, you will find information about the university’s background, performance, and how you can apply to join the institution.

The University of Cape Town:

The institution is located in South Africa. The University of Cape Town was established in the year 1829. During that time, it was set up as a High school.

In the year 1918, it was established to be a full university. Over time, it has proved to be the leading education centre for professional studies and research.

The university offers a diverse range of courses. You will be interested to learn from any major fields of Commerce, Science, Engineering, Law, or any other course you desire.

All the courses offered are published on the university website.

Before you join the college, you must understand what you can do and what you cannot while at the University of Cape Town.

The guidelines are all listed on the university’s Policies page on their website. You might want to contact the school for more information about your needs.

The Suez Canal University:

This institution is in Egypt. The University was founded in the year 1977. By then, Suez Canal University was offering six faculties.

Over the years, the university has grown tremendously, whereby it now accommodates close to 50k students (per the information on their website published on December 31st, 2012).

Currently, Suez Canal University offers more than 20 faculties. Whether you are interested in Science, Agriculture, engineering, Commerce, or any other field, this university will be your ideal choice.

Makerere University:

The university is in Uganda, East African region. It is one of the oldest universities in the region. The university began as a simple technical college (back in 1922) before it grew into the present university.

Makerere University offers education to both local as well as international scholars. There are regular, evening, and external study programs.

There are different modes of application if you want to join the university. Each mode depends on the level of study you want to enroll in and your preferred mode of study.

You can read more information, the rules, and the requirements on the university website by visiting

University of the Witwatersrand:

The institution in South Africa is called “Wits University.” At Wits University, you can learn from the different faculties offered and get an internationally recognized degree.

Its high performance has seen the university soaring above many universities in Africa.

The university offers seven faculties. These include Law, Commerce, Science, Engineering, Humanities, Health Sciences, and Management.

You can choose a course from over the 3000 offered in 33 different schools (sections).


What is the best university in Africa for you, especially in your area of study? Here’s a list of universities’ names and locations across Africa.

This is a list that will only continue to grow. Remember, as in all things, there is no perfect university, but the following institutions more than qualify.

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