Federal College of Education (Technical) Akoka Cut-off Mark 2024/2025 | JAMB & Post-UTME

Federal College of Education (Technical) Akoka has released its official cut-off marks for the 2024/2025 academic session. Admission into the institution is strictly by merit and catchment area benefits, and candidates with higher scores are most likely to be considered first.

Candidates are expected to meet the stipulated requirements and cut-off marks, as admission into the institution is highly competitive.

Applicants seeking admission into FCET AKOKA must meet the stipulated cut-off mark of 100 and above in JAMB in order to be considered eligible.

Eligible candidates must also meet the desired departmental cut-off mark in order to be admitted into the institution.

Federal College of Education (Technical) Akoka is located at Akoka, Lagos State. FCET AKOKA accepts both first and second-choice applicants.

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FCET AKOKA 2024/2025 UTME Merit Admission Cut-off Marks

Agricultural Science100
Biology / Integrated Science100
Business Education100
Chemistry / Integrated Science100
Computer Education / Physics100
Computer Education / Chemistry100
Computer Science Education / Integrated Science100
Computer Science Education / Mathematics100
Fine and Applied Art100
Home Economics100
Igbo L2 / Social Studies100
Integrated Science / Mathematics Education100
Integrated Science / Physics100
Primary Education Studies100
Technical Education100


Now that you know the cut-off mark for FCETAKOKA, ensure you study and prepare well to meet the cut-off mark.

We at Realmina wish you the best!

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