Federal College of Education (Technical) FCET Umunze Matriculation Ceremony Date 2024/2025

This is to inform all 2024/2025 newly admitted students (both NCE & Degree] of the Federal College of Education (Technical), FCET, Umunze, Anambra State, that the management of the institution has fixed the date for their matriculation ceremony.

FCET Umunze

FCET Umunze Matriculation Ceremony

All Year 1 NCE Students (Regular, PDE, Sandwich, and Continuing Education Programme) and Year 1 & 2 Degree Students must note that the College’s Joint Matriculation Ceremony is on 24th June 2025 at the College Convocation Arena.

Matriculating students are to appear in the College Academic outfit. The Matriculation gowns are to be collected from the College Stores on presentation of a Bursary receipt of Ten Thousand Naira (N10,000.00).

Students should, therefore, obtain Remita Retrieval Reference (RRR) from Bursary, pay to any bank, and obtain a bursary receipt for presentation to the Stores Unit.

In view of the above, all concerned students are advised to arrange and collect their gowns, and issuance of the gowns begins on 21st June 2025.

All gowns must be returned to the College Stores before the close of work on 28th June 2025. Else defaulters will be surcharged.

Matriculating students should remind their Parents/guardians to attend the meeting of the Parent/Management forum, which precedes the matriculation.

The time is 9.30 am. Attendance at the meeting is mandatory for all Parents/Guardians of all matriculating students.


We urge you, however, to keep tabs on us for more updates on FCET Umunze.

We hope this information on the matriculation ceremony of the Federal College of Education, Umunze, has proved helpful. Share this article with your friends and follow us for more updates on schools in Nigeria.

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