The Best ‘May the 4th Be With You’ Memes

Every Star Wars fan knows at least one of the countless ‘May the 4th be with you’ memes.

Fans of the great ’90s movie will know that ‘May the 4th be with you’ memes are one of the funniest lines from Star Wars.

The “May the 4th be with you” line has been adapted into a play since its inception and is popular among star wars lovers

To help you celebrate the widely appreciated star wars day, here are the best May 4th-day memes.

Origin of ‘May the 4th Be with You’ Memes

According to the star wars movie, a long time ago, in a galaxy far away… Margaret Thatcher assumed the position of Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on May 4, 1979. 

Then an ad was taken out in The London Evening News congratulating Ms. Thatcher on her win, which was written as “May the Fourth Be with You, Maggie. Congratulations.”

The official Star Wars website states that the idea of May the 4th did not start with Lucasfilm.

But Lucasfilm fully embraced the spirit of fandom and popularized the comic relief in the day, making it so special.

The official Star Wars social media channels (hashtag #StarWarsDay) have helped spread the word and showcase fan activity.

Disney bought out Lucasfilm in the next century and took control of the Star Wars franchise in 2012.

Because of how influential Disney is, they now celebrate star wars day with Star Wars-related festivities and events.

Best ‘May the 4th Be With You’ Memes

  • May the 4th be with you.
  • It will be May soon, and May the 4th will be with you; posts will flood your status next week.
  • Happy Star Wars Day, may the 4th be always in your favor
  • May the fourth be whatever it wants; I don’t care.
  • May the fourth be with you as much as possible today because tomorrow is the revenge of the fifth.
  • Oh, today is May the 4th? Tell me how much you love Star Wars.
  • My Yoda Kitteh says, ‘May the fourth be with you.
  • May 4th will be Star Wars Day… and all we should care about is getting drunk on the 5th.
  • I sense a disturbance on this 3rd… as though a million ‘May the 4th be with you’ memes were created.
  • If today is ‘May the 4th be with you’, does that mean tomorrow is ‘Revenge of the 5th
  • May the 4th be with you? Star Wars Day is actually May the 25th


Your star wars day will be an interesting one with these memes.

Don’t have any dull moments; you’re the real Jedi.

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