Signs of Infection After Breast Reduction

Breast reduction surgery is often a very popular and effective way to transform the breast and remove unwanted tissues.

Notwithstanding, as with all surgeries, there could be signs of infection after breast reduction. 

You may notice signs such as cold, nausea, vomiting, and more after a breast reduction, and as such, you should visit your surgeon.

In this article, we will be looking at the signs of infection after breast reduction.

What is Breast Reduction 

Breast reduction is surgery to remove excess fat, tissue, and skin from your breasts.

If you have large breasts beyond your body size and feel neck pain, back pain, or other symptoms, you may consider undergoing breast reduction surgery.

Most women who reduce their breasts are pleased with the results. However, men with conditions such as gynecomastia (where men’s breasts are abnormally enlarged) may also need breast reduction surgery. 

You must know there could be possible signs of infection after breast reduction, and we will look into them. 

Signs of Infection After Breast Reduction

Some signs of infection after breast reduction includes;

1. Pus 

You send white blood cells to the source when your body fights infection. White blood cells help prevent germs from infecting many tissues. Pus is a product of this process.

When you see pus, it signifies that your body is working to fight infections. However, it has never been good if the wound is infected.

The pus is usually white or yellowish-white. Sometimes they can be green, blood-stained, blue, or in rare cases, even brown. There may also be a bad smell.

The pus comes from a surgical cut when it is infected. It is a sign that you need more treatment.

Surgical infections can get worse quickly, so if you notice pus, call your surgeon immediately.

Treatment of Wound Infected With Pus 

Resist the urge to rub the surgical wound with pus. You may want to make the area as clean as possible, but you can do more harm than good.

Instead, tell your surgeon if there is an infection in the surgical area. Do not clean it or try to remove the pus.

The surgeon may need to swab the site. This is due to the culture of the wound, which helps determine the type of infection and which antibiotic will be most helpful.

You may need antibiotics, a change in your wound care system, or both. Usually, you will be given an antibiotic at the beginning of the infection.

If a culture shows that an antibiotic might work better, your doctor might recommend that you change.

2. Fever 

Fever occurs in up to 90% of surgeons, especially one as delicate as breast reduction. Any surgery inflicts injury and inflammation.

Fever could be a sign of infection, and your doctor should be informed if it persists. Part of your body’s response to these injuries and inflammation can be fever. 

Fever can be dangerous, so it needs to be checked. Many different conditions can cause fever after breast reduction. 

  • The wind: This stage deals with problems with your lungs, including atelectasis. It is one of the most common causes of fever. It happens when the small air sacs in your lungs run out. Generally, anesthesia can cause atelectasis because it alters breathing patterns.
  • Water: This refers to the flu caused by a breast reduction infection. If you have had a breast reduction surgery section, there is a better chance of getting an infection if you do use water that is not healthy enough for the area.
  • Wound:  Infections in or near the operating area are surgical site infections. You may have an area of ​​skin surgery. It can also be a serious infection involving the tissues and organs. If there is a wound near the operated area, it may lead to a fever. 
  • Drugs: This category includes fever caused by medication and blood products. You may get a fever if you are given medicine during your surgery that causes a bad reaction. Sometimes it can be temporary and clear in itself. It may also be a severe reaction that should be treated immediately.

Treatment of Fever 

How your medical team will treat your fever will depend on the cause. Options include:

  • Oxygen
  • Intravenous fluid
  • Antibiotics or other medications
  • Incentive spirometry, which is a tool to help you expand your lungs
  • Blood clots
  • Pressure socks
  • Referral to a specialist

3. Redness Around Sites

Patients can expect some redness or discoloration in the cut areas.

This is the body’s response to the treatment, stretching of the arteries causing redness where active healing continues.

Unfortunately, an infection that is very rare but possible with any surgery may cause an increase in redness near the cut.

Persistent discomfort and swelling other than what is seen in some areas should be brought to your surgeon.

A bright pink color change usually lasts for a few weeks, but the final blurring of the scar takes 6-12 months.

Treatment of Redness 

Applying the Scalp Rejuvenation gel after 1 week and Vitamin E massage after 3 weeks will help the scars soften and disappear.

Avoiding the ultraviolet sun is important as long as the scars are pink. Relaxation, hydration, and avoiding strenuous activities help improve the healing process.

Silicone scarf sheets can be used to help clear and fade red, thick, or raised hypertrophic scars.

4. Swelling 

Swelling usually occurs at the beginning of the healing process and results from your body’s normal response to surgery or injury.

But if it increases, then it could be a  result of infection. 

Properly resting and wearing your surgical clothes or surgical bra as instructed helps to keep the swelling under control.

Extreme levels of swelling will disappear in two weeks, although minor swelling may persist for a few weeks afterward.

Swelling reaches a peak about 3-5 days after surgery, after which it decreases over time.

You will also notice that the swelling will go on the ribcage, abdomen, hips, and even legs.

This is normal gravity. A sudden or abnormal increase in asymmetry may be a sign of bleeding.

Consult your surgeon if you have significantly increased swelling and breast size.

What To Do To Prevent Infection After Breast Reduction 

It is important to note that you check with your surgeon before the problem-causing infection develops into a more severe condition.

However, your result should still be very positive with proper early intervention.

1. Activity

  • Relax when you feel tired. Getting enough sleep will help you to recover and prevent any form of infection.
  • About 2 weeks after the operation, avoid lifting anything that might cause stress. These may include heavy groceries and milk containers, a purse or backpack, cat litter or dog food bags, a vacuum cleaner, or a baby. 
  • Ask your doctor when you can drive. 
  • Your first bath should be taken as prescribed by your surgeon. This is usually within 1 week. Do not wash or soak in a hot tub for about 4 weeks.

2. Diet

  • You can eat regular food. However, if your stomach is upset, try low-fat foods such as rice, fried chicken, toast, and yogurt.
  • Take more of plenty of fluids except if told otherwise by your doctor.
  • Try to avoid constipation and difficulty with bowel movements. Take a fiber supplement. Take a mild laxative if you have not had a bowel movement after a few days.

3. Medications

  • If you are taking aspirin, ask your doctor when you can start retaking it. Make sure you fully understand what your doctor wants you to do.
  • Take painkillers as prescribed.
  • If your doctor prescribes a painkiller, take it as prescribed.
  • If you do not take the painkiller prescribed by your doctor, ask your doctor if you can take it without a prescription.
  • If you think your pain medication is making you sick to your stomach, take your medicine after meals unless your doctor tells you not to.
  • Ask your doctor to give you a different painkiller.
  • If you are given a nausea medication, take it as prescribed.
  • If your doctor prescribes antibiotics, take them as prescribed.

4. Incision care

  • If your doctor has given you specific instructions on how to care for your scalp, kindly follow the instructions appropriately.
  • You may want to wear a special bra that holds your bandages in place after surgery. Your surgeon will inform you when to stop wearing a bra. Your doctor may require you to wear a bra at night and during the day for a few weeks. Do not wear an underwire bra for 1 month.
  • If you have tape strips on your cut, leave the tape open for a week or until it falls off. Or follow your doctor’s instructions by removing the tape.
  • Wash the area daily with warm, soapy water, and pat dry. Do not use hydrogen peroxide or alcohol, which may delay healing.
  • You can cover the area with a gauze bandage when it scratches or scratches clothes. Change the bandage daily. 

5. Exercise

  • Try to walk each day. Start with a slower pace, then increase gradually. Walking improves blood flow and helps prevent pneumonia and constipation.
  • Avoid strenuous activities, such as cycling, jogging, or lifting weights until your doctor says it is all right.
  • Your doctor will tell you when to start exercising and doing regular activities.

6. Ice

Put ice on your breast for a period of 10 to 20 minutes. Practice this every 1 to 2 hours for at least the next 3 days.

You can do this if you are awake or until the swelling has subsided. Put a small cloth between the ice and your skin.

Visit your surgeon if you have any of the following

  • You experience pain after taking the painkiller.
  • You have loose stitches, or your incision opens.
  • You are bleeding from the cut.
  • You have symptoms of infection, such as Increased pain, swelling, warmth, or redness.
  • Red lines leading to cuts.
  • Pus comes out of the cut.
  • Symptoms of blood clots in your leg, such as pain in your calf, back, knee, thigh, or groin.


Signs of infection after breast reduction are not a surprise because the breast has undergone a surgical process leading to openings and cuts on the breast. 

Hopefully, this article helped enlighten you on how to handle the signs of infection after breast reduction. Kindly like and share this post with others. 

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