The Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus for Arabic has been released by the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB).
This enables candidates to study and master the course objectives, which include answering comprehension questions, translating texts, applying grammar rules, appreciating literary works, and communicating in Arabic.
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Objectives of JAMB Syllabus For Arabic
The Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) provides a syllabus for Arabic to guide candidates for the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME). The syllabus aims to test the candidates’ achievement of the following course objectives:
- Comprehend and respond to standard Arabic texts.
- Translate simple texts between Arabic and English.
- Apply Arabic grammar rules functionally.
- Appreciate Arabic literature in relation to its context and time.
- Communicate effectively in Arabic as a global language.
Topics Under JAMB Syllabus for Arabic
The JAMB syllabus for Arabic is divided into five sections.
Section A
The JAMB syllabus for Arabic Section A covers the following topics:
A passage of seventy words. There will be five multiple-choice questions based on the passage. The topics covered should be relevant to the candidates’ experience, such as current politics, events, education, the economy, culture, sports, and ethics.
Candidates should be capable of the following:
- Using the appropriate words or phrases for specific thoughts.
- Deduce the lesson in the passage.
- Determining the main theme of a passage.
- Giving an appropriate title for a passage.
- Interpreting the meanings of particular words.
Section B
The JAMB syllabus for Arabic Section B covers the following topics:
- Translation from Arabic into English.
- Translation from English into Arabic.
Keywords and phrases from a sentence are included in the translation into English.
The translated questions must be based on standard Arabic and English usage.
Candidates should be capable of the following:
- Using appropriate Arabic words to convey the meaning of an English word.
- Determining appropriate English words or phrases for an Arabic statement.
- Interpreting idiomatic expressions in both Arabic and English.
- Transferring ideas expressed in Arabic to English and vice versa.
- Communicating effectively in English and Arabic.
Section C
The JAMB syllabus for Arabic Section C covers the following topics:
- Demonstrative and relative pronouns.
- المذكر والمؤنث. Gender (Masculine and Feminine).
- عالمات االسم. Characteristics of a noun.
- لمثنى. Dual.
- لجموع. Plurals: أ – جمع المذكر السالم. sound masculine plural ب – جمع المؤنث السالم.
- Sound feminine plural التكسير.
- Broken plural ج – جمع.
- .المضاف والمضاف إليه. Construct phrases.
- ضمائر المنفصلة و المتصلة. Separable and inseparable pronouns.
- .التوابع:. Appendants:أ – النعت. .Adjective.
- ب – العطف. Conjunction.
- د – التوكيد Permutative.
- .البدل – ج . Emphasis.
- .حروف الجر . Prepositions.
- .الفعل الالزم والفعل المتعدي. Transitive & Intransitive verbs.
- .الفعل الماضى The perfect verb.
- .الفعل المضارع: The imperfect verb:
- The indicative. المرفوع – أ
- The subjunctive. المنصوب – ب
- The jussive. .المجزوم – ج
- .الفعل األمر. . The imperative verb.
- .النواسخ: . The modifiers: أ – كان و أخواتها Kana and its associates
- ب – إن و أخواتها Inna and its associates
- – ظن و أخواتها Zanna and its associates
- .الفعل الثالثي المجرد و المزيد فيه. . Trilateral and derived verbs
- .المشتقات: . Derivatives – اسم التفضيلthe comparative/superlative ب – اسم اآللة
- Nouns of instrument و المكان
- Nouns of time and place اسما الزمان
- Relative adjectives د – اسم النسبة
- الجملة الشرطية Conditional sentences الجملة الشرطية فقط 3000 – ( العدد
- Numerals (1 – 3000)
- الفاعل و نائب الفاعل. Active and passive voice.
- .منصوبات األسماء. Nouns in the accusative أ – المفعول به. Direct object. ب – المفعول فيه )ظرف(.
- Adverbs of place and time. ج – الحال.
- Adverb of circumstance. د – المستثنى بإال.
- The exempted with illa. هـ – التمييز.
- Specification. و – المنادى.
- The vocative
Candidates should be able to:
- Identify the forms of demonstrative and relative pronouns.
- Compare gender markers in Arabic.
- Identify the three basic characteristics of Arabic nouns.
- Distinguish singular and dual forms of nouns.
- Construct plural forms of singular nouns.
- Identify construct phrases and their usages.
- Differentiate between separable and inseparable pronouns.
- Identify correct usage of adjectives, conjunctions, and permutative in Arabic sentences.
- Apply correct prepositions in a given sentence.
- Distinguish transitive and intransitive verbs and use them in sentences.
- Identify the perfect verbs and their forms.
- Identify imperfect verbs and their grammatical words in sentences.
- Identify the imperative verbs and their forms.
- Identify the various types of modifiers and apply them in Arabic usage.
- Differentiate between trilateral and derived verbs.
- Identify the types of derivatives.
- Apply the rules governing conditional sentences, identify them in sentences, construct them, and differentiate them in normal sentences.
- Recognize and count Arabic numerals from 1 to 3000 and identify the intricacies involved in their usage.
- Distinguish between active and passive voice and apply them in sentences.
- Identify the types of adverbial clauses, the exempted, specification, and the evocative, as well as identify and use them in standard Arabic.
Section D
The JAMB syllabus for Arabic Section D covers the following topics:
Lives and environment of candidates (education, culture, health, politics, economy, sports, and current affairs).
Candidates should be able to:
- Use appropriate words for specific thoughts.
- Use correct idiomatic expressions in Arabic.
- Communicate effectively in Arabic.
- Express ideas clearly in Arabic.
- Relate the use of common Arabic idioms and proverbs.
Section E
The JAMB syllabus for Arabic Section E covers the following topics:
Arabic Literature
- أ – العصر الجاهلي )حوالى 500 – 610م
- The Pre-Islamic Period (500 – 610 C.E.). – قس بن ساعدة و خطبته “من عاش مات” – تماضر الخنساء ورثاء ها ” صخر الندى”. ب – العصور اإلسالمية )610 – 1798م
- The Islamic Period (610 – 1798 C.E.). – الفرزدق ومدحه لزين العابدين: “هذا الذي تعرف البطحاء وطأته”. – حسان بن ثابت وقصيدته في فتح مكة: “عدمنا خيلنا إن لم تروها” – جرير وشعره “أشجان الهوى”: “لقد كتمت الهوى حتى تهيمني”
- ج – العصر الحديث )1798م إلى اليوم(.c) The Modern Period (1978 to date). – المنفلوطي وكتابه العبرات :”قصة الحجاب”. – إيليا أبو ماضي وشعره :”لم تشتكي وتقول إنك معدم”
- Arabic Literature In West Africa . – زكريا إدريس حسين ومسرحيته: “الطبقة العليا”. – جميل عبد هللا الكنوي: “ادفع بالتي هي أحسن”ج – العصر الحديث )1798م إلى اليوم(.
Candidates should be able to:
- Identify pre-Islamic poetic traditions and conventions.
- Identify and analyze the style of figurative expressions contained in a given Islamic literature.
- Describe the aesthetic features in literary texts and assess their modern cultural values.
- Evaluate areas of successful use of Arabic as a medium of West African novels and drama, analyze their contents, and describe their major characteristics and plots.
PDF Download of JAMB Syllabus for Arabic 2024/2025
You can now download the JAMB Arabic syllabus as you prepare for your exams.
The Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has released the syllabus for Arabic for the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).
The syllabus covers the course objectives, which include comprehension, translation, grammar, literature, and communication skills in Arabic. The syllabus is a reliable guide for candidates to prepare for the exam, as most of the questions will be based on it.
You can download the syllabus pdf file from the link above. Please share this information with your friends who are also taking the exam
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