The Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has published the Hausa syllabus for the 2024/2025 academic year.
This strategic update is designed to assist students in their preparation for the imminent Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).
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Objectives of JAMB Syllabus for Hausa
The JAMB syllabus Hausa aims to help candidates prepare for the Board’s examination and to test candidates’ understanding, knowledge, and acquisition of the following areas of the subject. The syllabus enables candidates to:
- Read and write proficiently in the Hausa language.
- Know the basic features of Hausa grammar.
- Have a basic knowledge of oral and written Hausa literature.
- Appreciate the customs, institutions, and culture of the Hausa people.
Topics Under JAMB Hausa Syllabus
The topics that the JAMB syllabus for Hausa covers are divided into three sections.
Harshe (Language)
With the Harshe, the JAMB syllabus covers the following topics:
Ƙa’idojin Rubutu (Orthography)
Under this topic, students are to learn about the Hausa alphabet, spellings, the rules of word division or merger, punctuations, and how to paragraph,
With Ƙa’idojin Rubutu in the JAMB syllabus for Hausa, students should be able to
- Distinguish basic rules of Hausa orthography.
- Utilize these rules.
- Identify linguistic mistakes in grammar, wrong spellings, and choice of words, etc.
Auna Fahimta (Comprehension)
Under this topic, students are to ask questions within the context of very short passages (about 300).
With Auna Fahimta in the JAMB syllabus for Hausa, students should be able to:
- Easily read Hausa texts.
- Understand particular Hausa texts.
- Discern the meaning and function of the words used in a Hausa text.
- Improve and possess an adequate vocabulary of Hausa words.
- Easily grasp the core theme and subject given Hausa texts.
- Reach reasonable conclusions founded on the pieces of evidence in the given Hausa text.
Tsarin Sauti (Phonology)
Under this topic, students will learn about the following:
- Consonant sounds in the Hausa language (their production and classification depended on place, manner of articulation, and phonation).
- Hausa vowel sounds ( how they are produced and classified depending on the positioning of lips and tongues {monophthongs and diphthongs}, length of the vowel sound {long and short vowels}).
- Types of tone patterns. Examples include high-tone patterns, low-tone patterns, and falling-tone patterns.
- Syllabic structures and types. Examples are light and heavy syllables, open and closed syllables,
- Categorizing words based on the number of syllables they contain: monosyllabic words, disyllabic words, etc.
- The various phonological processes: Assimilatory phonological processes (labialization, palatalization, and vowel harmony)
- Non-assimilatory phonological process (insertion and deletion).
Ƙirar Kalma (Morphology)
Under this topic, the students will learn about morphological roots and stems, affixation, gender and number inflections, and derivation of nouns and adjectives from verbs.
With Ƙirar Kalma (Morphology) in the JAMB syllabus for Hausa, students should be able to:
- Describe the processes utilized in Hausa words formation, which are inflectional and derivational.
- Easily distinguish between the morphological processes of derivation and inflection.
Ginin Jumla (Syntax)
Under this topic, students will learn about the following:
- Figures of speech in the Hausa language (nouns, pronouns, adverbs, verbs, prepositions, adjectives, interjections, conjunctions, and ideophones) The categories of grammar include: Tenses and aspects (general and relative past tense, general and relative continuous, first and second future, habitual)
- Moods (negative and subjunctive)
- Genders (masculine, feminine, and neuter)
- Number (singular and plural)
- The various structures of a sentence verbal sentence, nominal phrase + verbal phrase, and their components
- Nonverbal sentence: nominal phrase + stabilizer, nominal phrase+ compliment + stabilizer, nominal phrases + continuous frame (yana../yake…), (+da) + nominal phrase;
- Types of sentences which are simple, compound, and complex sentences.
- Types and functions of clauses.
With Ginin Jumla (Syntax) in the JAMB syllabus for Hausa, students should be able to:
- Evaluate the processes that govern combining words in the Hausa language to form clauses, phrases, and sentences.
- Easily recognize linguistic mistakes in grammatical constructions.
- Easily apply the rules of punctuation in the Hausa language.
- Assess thoughts and ideas written down in Hausa.
- Engage in the construction of proper sentences during communication.
- Utilize appropriate tenses in both oral and written forms of the Hausa language.
- Utilize the proper number and gender of entities in written and oral forms of the Hausa language.
- Easily classify the various types of sentence structures.
- Differentiate between the various types of sentences, phrases, and clauses.
Ma’ana (Semantics)
Under this topic, students learn about the lexical aspects of the meanings of words, such as antonyms, synonyms, and ambiguity. They also learn figures of speech in the Hausa language.
With Ma’ana (Semantics) in the JAMB syllabus for Hausa, students should be able to:
- Evaluate various mechanisms of producing meanings in the Hausa language.
- Easily differentiate the various speech sounds of the Hausa language to show proper grammar.
- Note the importance of the rules of punctuation in the Hausa language.
- Observe the different functions and meanings of sentences used while communicating in the Hausa language.
- Proper use of words and sentences in various situations.
- Improve their vocabulary of Hausa words.
Al’adu (Culture)
Rayuwar Hausawa (Hausa Rite de Passage)
- haihuwa (birth) –ɗaukar ciki da goyon ciki da haihuwa da shayarwa da al’adun makon haihuwa da wanka da ɓanti da yaye da kaciya da samartaka;
- aure (marriage) – ire-irensa da nema da baiko da ɗaurin aure da biki da zaman aure da saki da zawarci;
- mutuwa (death) – faɗar mutuwa da wanka da salla da jana’iza da zaman makoki da sadaka da takaba da gado.
Zamantakewa (Social Institutions)
- tsarin zaman iyali da zaman gandu da dangantakar kishiyoyi da ‘yan uwantaka da barantaka da agolanci;
- maƙwabtaka;
- aikin gandu da na gayya
- abota da ƙawance
- gaisuwa da karimci.
Sana’o’in Gargajiya (Traditional Occupations)
- ire-irensu – noma da ƙira da jima da kasuwanci da wanzanci da sassaƙa da farauta da dukanci da saƙa da kitso da rini da fawa da fafar ƙorai, da sauransu;
- yanayinsu – hanyoyin gadon su da kayayyakin yin su da matakan tafiyar da su da muhimmancinsu;
- kayayyaki ko amfanin da suke samarwa;
- sarautunsu
- sana’o’i masu dangantaka da jinsi – aikatau da ƙwadago; kitso da aski.
Kayayyakin Buƙatun Rayuwa (Material Culture)
- na buƙatun cikin gida (household) – tufafi da karikitan cikin gida;
- na sauran buƙatu (others) – gine-gine da girke-girke da sauransu.
Bukukuwa da Wasanni (Cultural Festivities)
- na addini (religious) – bikin salla da takutaha (sallar gani) a cika-ciki da saukar karatu, da sauransu;
- na gargajiya (traditional) – kalankuwa da buɗar dawa, da sauransu;
- na sana’a (occupational) – bikin kamun kifi da dambe da kokawa da wasan farauta da wasan maƙera da hawan ƙaho da sauransu;
- na nishaɗi – sukuwa;
- na yara (children’s games) – shalle da kulli-kurciya da a-sha-ruwantsuntsaye da gaɗa da carafke da sauransu.
Camfe-camfe da Bauta (Traditional Beliefs and Worship)
Kan-gida da camfi da bori da maita da tsafi da duba da tsibbu da kambun baka
Sarautun Gargajiya (Traditional Authority)
- ire-irensu – sarki da hakimai da dagatai da masu unguwanni;
- na bayin sarki – shantali da jakadiya da baraya da sauransu;
- masu alaƙa da addini; liman da alƙali;
- ayyukansu.
Topic 8: Magungunan Gargajiya (Traditional Medicine)
- ire-irensu – sassaƙe-sassaƙe da sauyoyi da na gari da na ruwa da layu da rubutu;
- hanyar amfani da su – sha da shafawa da surace da turare da shaƙawa da taunawa da tsotsawa da ɗaurawa da liƙawa;
- awo da kimantawa;
- ayyukansu – riga-kafi da warkarwa
- tasirin zamananci a kansu.
Adabi (Literature)
Adabin Baka (Oral Literature)
- Zuben Baka (Narratives): Tatsuniya da almara da hikaya da ƙissa da tarihi.
- Maganganun Azanci (Folk – Sayings); take da kirari da habaici da zambo da karin magana da kacici-kacici da salon magana da adon harshe. Waƙoƙi (Songs):ire-irensu – na fada da na jama’a da na maza da sauransu.
- jigo da salo da zubi da tsari da mawaƙi da kayan kiɗa da abin da aka waƙe.
- waƙoƙin aiki: na niƙa da daɓe da na daka da na talla da sauransu.
- Waƙoƙin yara (maza da mata); na aure da na dandali da sauransu.
- Wasannin Kwaikwayo Na Gargajiya (Traditional Drama)Na yara:ire-iren su langa da wasan ’yartsana da tashe da wasan gauta da dokin kara da sauransu
- yadda ake yin su
- muhimmancinsu.
- Na manya:
- ire-iren su ‘yan kama da kalankuwa da hoto da wowwo da tashe, da sauransu
- yadda ake yin su
- muhimmancinsu.
Rubutaccen Adabi (Written Literature)
- Zube (Prose)
- Waƙa (Poetry)
- Wasan Kwaikwayo (Drama)
PDF Download of JAMB Syllabus for Hausa 2024/2025
You can now download the JAMB Hausa syllabus as you prepare for your exams.
The Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) syllabus for Hausa is a crucial tool that guides candidates on the pertinent topics to concentrate on in preparation for the upcoming JAMB examinations.
It is noteworthy that approximately 99% of the examination questions will be based on the information outlined in the syllabus.
Candidates are advised to download the syllabus PDF file in this post. Additionally, sharing this post with colleagues to support their exceptional performance in the examinations is beneficial.
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